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Novi, MI Job Fair (Detroit)

by Oakland County Michigan Works - 02/18/2019
Event Period: 03/13/2019
Event Location: Novi Civic Center
45175 10 Mile Road.
Novi, MI. 48375
Over 40 Novi employers will be looking to hire at an upcoming job fair.

The 2019 Novi Job Fair is being held Wednesday, March 13, from 1 to 5 p.m., at the Novi Civic Center, 45175 10 Mile Road.

Businesses in retail, restaurant services, recruitment, technology, automotive suppliers and more are expected to attend. Attendees are being asked to bring their résumés and wear business attire.

Companies will be promoting open positions as well as conducting on-site interviews, if necessary. Full-time, part-time and seasonal positions will be offered.

“Novi’s commercial landscape is an economic driver for the region,” said Victor Cardenas, Novi assistant city manager. “Having a significant concentration of prospective employers at one place at one time greatly benefits both job seekers and employers.”

You can register by calling (248)-926-1820.
You can register for the free job fair at: bit.ly/novijobfair19. Registration is encouraged by March 6.

The job fair is being organized in collaboration with Oakland County Michigan Works!, the Novi Community School District, Martin Technologies, Novi Town Center, and West Oaks.
More Details: http://bit.ly/novijobfair19
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